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Summary of Question:Regarding Waxing
Date Posted:Monday, 9/16/2002 3:10 PM MDT


I dont want to sound harsh but i dont like the answer of where you said bleaching the hairs on the legs are fine. Fine, cutting, plucking and cutting are wrong because u are modifing Guru ji's work but bleaching is changing Guru ji's work...u are changing the colour. Due to this attitude, amrit dhari women are sujected to this and the pressure on them is so great that they feel they have to do remove the hairs because it is not "right". I wonder if anybody thought about the men. Men have hairs. So why are they not removing them...because the society thinks its "right".

I have noticed that there are a mixture of answers regarding the hair subject in this forum and because most of them are answered by different people, some are totally against the idea and some are for the idea. I think you need to be quite careful because it may confuse the readers and distrust you.

Forgive me if i have in any way upset or cause inconvenience...may Guru ji be always with you


Sat Sri Akal,

Thanks for your input. I personally agree with you in that modification of the hair by any means is strictly not Sikhi. Sometimes people think that if one is not cutting the hair, then you can do anything you want with it. However, this attitude goes against the SPIRIT of what it means to cut hair.

Gur Fateh,

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Regarding Waxing (09/16/2002)
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