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Summary of Question:Khalistan
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 5/17/2002 4:59 PM MDT

I have heard that all white Sikhs don't support Khalistan. So would you just please tell me all the reasons why you guys don't support it. I am not here to argue but I would like to know. i would really appericiate it. Thank you

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Wahe Guru Ji Kha Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

Well-I can't tell you what everyone thinks, but I am happy to give you my own opinion. It's really about the mission of the Guru. The Gurus believed in creating harmony between people of different faiths, so that we could all live together as children of the same God. Khalistan, to me, doesn't support that mission. It creates even more divisions in the name of religion when the Khalsa are here to protect and serve so that religions don't divide people any more. If all of the money, time and energy different people spent on trying to create Khalistan were instead channeled into securing true freedom of religion for all people, the Sikhs would be loved, honored and admired. Sikhs are here to serve the interests of the entire humanity, not just their own interests. This is what a soverign does. Remember, the Khalsa are the spiritual royalty of the world. We are here to rule-not through power and politics, but through love and service. We are here to protect-not ourselves, but all people. We are here to secure that every human being has a chance to enjoy his or her life the way God intended. That is our duty. Khalistan distracts us from that duty. We have a destiny across the entire globe and our resources, attention and energy are best spent realizing this destiny.

I hope this gives you another perspective on the issue.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Whe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.


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