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Summary of Question:Forced Baptism
Date Posted:Saturday, 3/27/2004 11:39 PM MDT

When i was 5 me and my cousin were forced to be baptized just because our parents wanted to get baptized. So it really wasent our choice to get baptized. Right now im 15 and i shave my body and i shape my beard into a goatee , but i keep my head hair, because im not shure if being forced to bapized realy counts beacause i was just a little kid i didnt know anything about sikhism. I just want to know it its okay to cut my hair and stuff.please reply im realy confused.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I believe your parents wanted you to have the blessing of the Amrit Parchar, and I understand that it was not your "choice." As for whether it "counts," well, yes, you were baptized, but you obviously have not observed the vows that are taken at that time -- but as you say,you were too young to make that commitment consciously. As far as it being "OK" to cut your hair "and stuff," simply as Sikhs, we do not cut hair (and that includes trimming a beard. The code of conduct was given by our Guru to give us the best guidelines for living life in the most excellent manner, so that we can experience our connection with God and Guru while we are alive, and when we die, we can merge fearlessly with Akal Purkh. You have to decide if you want to live your life as a committed Khalsa Sikh or not. If you do, then I suggest you take Amrit again, and discover for yourself by taking it prayerfully and humbly, asking God and Guru to give you an experience, you will discover the power and the beauty of truly being and living as a son of Guru Gobind Singh.

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