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Summary of Question:Guru's Hukam - Please Please Reply Urgently
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/19/2008 11:25 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal,

I have tried writing earlier as well, realise you're all busy but I would really appreciate a response on this.

I have a two year old and am married, I am quite happy with my husband. However, my mother is convinced that he is brainwashing me and hynotises me. That he is mentally torturing and will eventually have me in his total control and depressed. When I get upset with her about making such remarks, the problem gets worse as she believes it is my husband's doing. The problem is really really bad at the moment, she wants me to divorce.

fyi - I am an educated, working mum. I have a full time job and currently going very well in my career.

Her beliefs are based on:
1) This person told her by looking at my husband's photo. He also told other things which are mostly true. I have also been forced to meet him. He seems like a nice man but I didn't get any feeling of vast knowledge or sprituality from him. He doesn't take any money for his time and says he is doing this to help all mankind. My mum has full faith in him.

He also said I will get some major unpleasant event happen when I turn 34/35.

2) He asked us to confirm things by asking a question to Guru and writing up 'Yes' OR 'No' on a piece of paper and then get a child to pick up the answer - and this should be the answer of Guru. I asked if this man was telling the truth and my daughter picked up the 'Yes' Slip.

Is the point above actually a way of understanding God's will?
My mum is daily telling me to divorce my husband. She is getting really depressed that I am not doing this.

Truth is that I really have no evidence or my heart telling my these things about my husband are true. My mother has never liked my husband (ours was a love marriage and inter-racial). At the same time, I love my mother - I feel responsible for her and want to resolve this whole thing. If '2' is a way of Guru telling me, please advise?

I do Japji Sahib daily.. ask in my ardas for answers... I feel I am getting nowhere.

Thanks very much.

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Sat Siri Akal Ji - Trust your intuition. That is no way to receive Guru Ji's hukam. Clear your mind and emotions. Present yourself before Maharaj Ji and receive a proper hukam.


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