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Summary of Question:Should We Eat Non-Veg, Or Not ?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 7/07/2002 8:34 PM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

I have heard this so many times that Sikhs are not suppose to eat chicken. But i still don't know if thats true or not, because some people say that its ok and some say that its against Sikhism.
My question is that,if its true not to eat non-veg because its bad to kill animals and its against our religion too. Then how can we eat vegetables like carrot, potatoes etc because at certain point they were alive too and we have to kill them first in oder to cook them.
So what is the difference between eating chicken and vegetables as both of them are living things ?
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

No, Sikhs should not eat any other living creatures. The Guru Granth Sahib does say that it is a horrible thing to kill another living thing, especially to live off of its flesh.
To me a plant and an animal are entirely different things, but they obviously aren't to you so here's me trying to explain what I believe:
Eating plants is ok, yes they are alive but they haven't entered the karmic cycle and are really less separate from the earth. A chicken has a central nervous system and a reaction, meaning the action of killing the chicken causes a reaction = karma, the chicken probably doesn't like it, ie. has a will not to be killed, therefore you accrue karma of eating a chicken.
That's my best shot right now, I hope it helps.
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fathe.

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Should We Eat Non-Veg, Or Not ? (07/07/2002)
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