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Summary of Question:Converting To Religions, Point Of View
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 5/30/2005 9:33 PM MDT


i have two to what i know, i think that sikhism says that it is wrong to convert to other religions, one should only worship one God and follow one religion. however,does one consider it wrong for christians to convert others to christianty when for some reason they think that it is a good thing to convert others into christianty...arn't they a little lost and how can you consider it a credible religion when they do that...i personally dont see any wise religious thing in they see something else...also is it wrong for christians to convert into sikhism then??

two...this is going to sound weird to you but i was wondering...from what point of view is the SGGS written ? i haven't read the whole SGGS but do read the daily prayers and i am somewhat confused from what i hear and see in different shabads of the SGGS. sometimes it seems as if the one GOD is saying things, other times its the gurus who are telling us to live a certain way...sometimes it seems as if the sangat is saying the shabads in teh SGGS it a mix of all?????just a little confused????

oh...another one...why is it that the SGGS only contains banis from the 6 the other gurus have another place where their banis are compiled? seems somewhat weird that only 6 of the gurus had their banis written!

pardon me for all of my strange questions...i am only begining to understand sikhism as you can tell...please forgive my mistakes...

thank you sooo much and i want to tell you that you guys are soooooo great in what you do!!!!! keep it up!!!:) :) :) :) :)


Lets see, there are many parts to your question. Christians want to convert people to Christianity because they believe that Christianity is the True Religion. They feel that they are "saving" people's souls by converting them to Christianity. In Sikhism, we believe that all reigions will lead us to the same One God. Religion is a personal choice. If someone shows interest in Sikhism, then we can educate them and answer their questions. But, ultimately it is their choice.

The SGGS was written by many of the Gurus as well as Hindus, Muslims, Sufis, so its tone is different depending upon the author. I try not to always take the Guru's words literally. The words many times reflect the times in which they were written. As you read the words, what is your experience? What is your intuition telling you. All yourself to merge with the Guru and that experience of bliss. Blessings. GTKK

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