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Summary of Question:Im Sikh But I Dont Believe In God Or Gurus
Date Posted:Monday, 12/09/2002 4:45 AM MST

hello all

i know that this is a bad question but im wondering whats wrong with me, as i dont beleive in god or therefore any of the gurus.

my parents and my family and all people i know beleieve in god but it is just me who doesnt.
i go to the gurdwara but when im there i see no point in being there.
i guess its because when you switch on the television all you hear is about the bad things in the world. What about the good things? you may say that the bad things that are happening is gods way of teaching that something is bad. i know that my mum or dad would never want anything bad to happen to me. then arent we all gods children? so why does god want to harm hes children? even if( which i have) done very bad things, my parents forgive me and carry on loving me so why does god let bad things happen?

Thats my question

i recently wrote to you and you started by saying that i should.....................go back Home
to God, and
meantime, it is your responsibility to establish a connection
- a
relationship with God and Guru. If you want to get the best perspective
life, then read the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and absorb that wisdom,
so that
you don't continue to suffer living in your emotions.

but how can i, when i dont beleive in god?

im so sorry if ive hurt anyone. but i want help so that i can get rid of these feelings



(REPLY) Sat Nam. You have asked a question that has puzzled philosophers for ages, that is: "Why is there evil in the world and why does God permit it" This can be a complicated discussiion, and requires a different perspective as to what GOD actually is, and who or what you think GOD is! (Meanwhile, realize that people, although God dwells in each of us, do have enough free will to make choices, and some choose to do harm to others.) But, let's start with something that is a fact, and that is, you are breathing. Now, where did that breath come from? The fact is that One Creator (Ek Ong Kar) created you and me and all of creation, (and according to ancient philosophy, created everything our of Itself (!) infusing forms with breath so that these forms (physical bodies with minds and emotions) would/could experience the creation -- a sort of a "game" or a Divine play, which GOD (that energy or force or intelligence that G-enerates, O-rganizes, and then D-elivers or D-estroys all creation) created for His/Its own pleasure and amusement. We each live just so long as God continues to give us the next inhalation. How we use that life force is a personal decision, and in God's will He has given us the ability to make choices, and as you know, some people have chosen to do horrible things. But into the system there is a cosmic law, called Karma, and although it may not happen immediately, whatever action anyone takes, does cause a result, a reaction, and those who have caused suffering will ultimately suffer, if not in this lifetime, then in the next. You don't have to "believe" in God if you don't want to, nor do you have to "believe" in the Gurus, but if you ever want to be happy, and make the most of this lifetime, then you'd be smart to study the teachings of the Gurus and see that by following their guidance, you will be doing your part to make this a better world for your having lived and breathed here! If you could just once, for a brief moment, realize and experience that essence of your self, that in you which has always existed (yes!) exists now, and shall continue to exist beyond this lifetime, you would KNOW what God is, and not have to speculate. That's what meditation is for. Your physical body is not your identity. It changes all the time. You were you when you were born, but your body's cells have all completely changed since then, right? You mind changes constantly, and your emotions fluctuate. But there is an IDENTITY in you -- and in all human beings --that is permanent, unchanging, and immortal. And that part, that identity, is Truth, and that "SAT" is God's name: "SAT NAM" Guru Nanak said: Aad Such, Jugaad Such, Haibhee Such, Nanak Hosee Bhee Such. the benefit of going to Gurdwara is allowing Gurbani, the Words of the Guru to vigbrate within your own being so that you can experience something. It may take time, since you intellectually have rejected God's existence, but you are denying yourself the opportunity to discover and experience that Truth within you. Every time you receive a breath, be grateful, life is a precious gift. May God and Guru bless you and the pure light within you guide your way on. SP

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Im Sikh But I Dont Believe In God Or Gurus (12/09/2002)
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