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Summary of Question:White Sikhs
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 7/08/2001 9:20 PM MDT

i want to marry a white Sikh girl because they are more strict in Sikhism than Punjabis but I just heard that most of the white Sikh girls have boyfriends and they love marriage not arranged. So my question is how am I suppose to find one since they live in New Mexico and I live in CA. Can it be possible that all of them have boyfriends and I wouldn't find one.


Greetings in the Name of God, the light of every soul and in the Name of Guru, the Light of every Sikh. As Guru Gobind Singh declared that Khalsa has no gender and Guru Nanak took away the blight of racial heritage or the cast of birth from our worthiness before God, so you may wish to remove a qualification such as color in your marriage quest. Seek a wife in whom Guru lives in her heart. That is what you are truly seeking. It matters not what color her skin is or on what continent she was born. Pray to God and meditate daily, reciting your path, especially Japji each morning and Kirtan Sohila each night before your retire. Have you posted on the Sikh Matrimonial page? Our Sikh children are surely subjected to all of the cultural influences of our societies, wherever they may be - in India, in America or any other country. Each person choses to live the Guru's Rehit or not. May God bless you with the sacred union you desire. -GMK

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