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Summary of Question:The Fight For Khalistan
Date Posted:Wednesday, 10/17/2007 3:22 PM MDT


Sat Sri Akaal

I am 15 and a UK born Sikh. I am not Amritdhari, but i have uncut hair and do paath whenever i can. Me and some of my Sikh friends are angry and inspired about the events of 84, and the plight of Sikhs in India. We have agreed that we want to get involved in Khalistan to protect our people and our faith. We have a few plans and one is that when we turn 17 we will join the TA (Territorial Army) of Britain
to receive military training. I would much like to hear your views on our plans and our fight for Khalistan. Thankyou

My ear,
You are very young and very enthused.
Please be aware that Sikhs and Khalsa have always been challenged in so many unjust ways. Read our Ardas......those who were broken on the wheel, cut up limb by limb, boiled in oil etc etc etc. Even Guru Teg Bahadur and Guru Arjan Dev were challenged and killed by oppessors. They did this to SHOW US HOW TO SACRIFICE for truth and committment!!!

I think you should really ask yourself how you can become more involved in your faith and devotion to Wahe Guru. Rather than feel anger, feel inspired to a higher place where anger does not exist and live your life as our Gurus' guided us....Nirbho nirvair....without fear without anger without revenge. Then you will be a leader of our people which we need rather than more vengeful and killing humans that bring more pain to this world.

Guru is guiding us to another AGE where truth and upliftment are the qualities of life. Be patient and Naam Japo and practice Kundalini Yoga and get out of your emotions.


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