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Summary of Question:I Want To, But I Can't
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 12/22/2002 3:57 PM MST

hello there! firstly before I ask my question I've just gotta say GOOD JOB WITH YOUR SITE!!!... ok here's the thing... I don't like living here like by that I mean with my family, here at my 'home' I keep having bad things happen to me for no apperent reason at all, and I do not wish to stay here anymore I feel as if God is punishing me for something. Is it possible that God is doing that to me, giving me a punishment? and I also keep recalling bad things that have happened to me in the past. Is it a punishment from God? please tell me your opinion all my friends have tried to help me even people I've just met for the first time are trying to help me! but they can't. so plz rely to this ASAP! THANK YOU!!!!!!! and keep up yhe good work!!!! bye

(REPLY) Sat Nam. You say "bad things" happen to you at home, and you keep recalling bad things. This sounds pretty unhappy for you. But I don't know if you mean that your parents or other family members are physically abusive? I don't know where you live -- if it's in the United States, then you may want to seek legal help from some family services agency. But one thing is for sure, God does not punish anyone. We all are here on earth to pay off karma, and sometimes our soul has chosen to be born in an unpleasnat environment in order for us to learn certain lessons. What are you doing to contact God and live from your soul? do you meditate every day? Do you chant God's Name? Are you doing all right in school? How old are you? Remember, God lives and breathes in you. Circumstances sometimes "punish" us, as bad things happen, but ultimately, our purpose for being on earth is to realize and experience the reality of our identity as an immortal, divine being, in other words, SAT NAM. You are a soul, temporarily experiencing life in a human form. No matter what happens on the outside, remember, no one and nothing can destroy or change or hurt your spirit, your essential identity. Blessings, SP

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