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Summary of Question:Who Is The Authority
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 6/12/2004 7:33 AM MDT


I live in new delhi and actally had a question tht is a bit weard if i might say, i wear a patka most of the times as i feel comfortable in it, but i have been advised not to do tht by the granthis, however i dont think so they hve the right to decide what i should be wearing and what not, moreover i have heard them using abusive language in the gurdwara itself, which really put me off and i dont find any peace going there any more, becoz i dont feel the right people r there. I try and follow my faith to the best of my abilities by respecting by parents, praying every night and respecting nature and remembering the alimighty in bad or good days. I just wanted ur opinion on this


(REPLY) Sat Nam. I believe there is more than one Gurdwara in Delhi. I suggest you visit other Gurdwaras and find one where you can respect the Granthis, and they respect the Guru in their language and behavior. As for "authority" -- it is my understanding that the requirement is that your head must be covered. How you cover it is your choice, though a full turban is definitely the form and crown of a Sikh as given by Guru Gobind Singh! Oh, and by the way be sure to recite Jaap Sahib every day (of course Japji Sahib first thing in the morning, to connect with your soul) but Jaap Sahib will give you Majesty and self confidence. Blessings, SP

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