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Summary of Question:Paat Recommendation For Attracting Spouse
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Monday, 11/17/2003 5:18 PM MST

Sat sri akaal ji,

could you please recomend a paat to me please so that I can atttract my spouse I am 29yrs old and do Mool Mantar 316 times a day Gurmanatr 1000, matha tekh every day, one aspadi sukhmani sahib paat, beanti Chaupee.

My mum told me to do Thir Ghar Baiso Har Jan pyareh

Is this a right manatar????

I also read somewhere Managala Saaj Bhai aa Prabh apanaa ga ee aa Raam is highly recomemnded.

How many times how often should I do your recommended paat????

Also I cant read punjabi, so is it just as effective doing it in English????

I know all will happen God willing and Giod has helped me a lot, but we humans are never content, and I know its a test and that God has got someone very special for me, as I have hurt a loyt in the past and I sincerely believe I have paid most my bad karam off.
In the last 2 years or so my faith in Waheguruji has grown immensely and so has my inner wisdom.
I am only sharing this info with all as many a tiome the mindf can be fickle, and I have been to many a doorstep for search of happiness and I have honestly found an improvement through Guru Granth Sahib.
Admittedly a few times I have been tempted to go to Clairvoyants and learn the future, but then I remembered my paath and whats meant to bne will be and I felt very out of order in lifting my faith in God.

And I know my life is written according to my karama etc but Im sure there are paaths to help us ease our burdern of sinbs aand I have been told there are paaths we can do to help us attarct our life partner morew quicky.

I would appreciate your help very much, as I have been very unlucky in love so far

Waheguruji Ka Khalas Waheguruji ki Fateh

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I don't think you will like my answer, but I am going to give it anyway! I think you are trying too hard! I do believe that if a person lives according to God's will to the best of their ability, then what is best for them will come into the life. Spending your time in wishful thinking and feeling the lack of a life partner, keeps you constantly in a state of need and lack. That will never attract anything positive to you. Try to feel grateful for all the good things in your life, thank God for whatever you already have, and be a shining example of a graceful Sikh woman. Don't run after things or people, but simply "BE" - and let whatever is meant to come to you, come. Be a magnet for the BEST, by being your best. What is your present situation? Do you have a career, or are you just waiting around for someone to marry you? I hope you understand I do not mean this unkindly, but the idea that life is all roses and love and light if one can only get married is really a fantasy! The purpose of life is not to get married (though I'm all in favor of marriage, please don't misunderstand) the purpose of life is to realize and experience that you are a soul, temporarily living in a human form. The purpose is to experience the God within you. Experience the Truth, that SAT NAM that lives and breathes in you. May God and Guru bless you with courage and wisdom. SP

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