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Summary of Question:Re: Sat Sri Akal Or Wjkk,Wjkf?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Monday, 11/26/2001 7:17 AM MST

Sat Sri Akal,

I am replying to a question sent in named, "Satshri Akal Vs Wjkkwjkf".

In the reply you state that one of the instructions given by Guru Ji is to greet other AmritDhari's with "Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Jee Ki Fateh".

But what if you do not know whether the other person you are greeting is AmritDhari or not? They may wear a turban and have a beard but you cannot tell whether they have taken Amrit.

Thank you, you are doing a great sewa for Sikhi. May God bless you.

p.s. I sent in a question about Diwali about a couple of weeks ago. I was wondering if it had been sent properly.

Sat Sri Akal!

Sat Siri Akaal. In one of MY earlier replies, I said that greeting with "Sat Siri Akaal" is appropriate when you are uncertain if the Sikh you are greeting is or is not Amritdhari.
Guru ang sang,

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