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Summary of Question:I Can't Cope
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/02/2002 11:14 AM MST

i have recently split from my boyfriend.we were supposed to marry each other but because of parental pressure he married someone else.i find it very difficult to accept the fact that we are no longer togther.please do i cope on a daily basis. i have asked Waheguru to help but have not gotten anywhere.thank you.

(REPLY) Whatever happens to us in life, if we can remind ourselves that it is the will of God , then we can accept disappointment and loss more easily. I am sorry you are feeling bad, and it's understandable, but what's done is done, and you must make the best of things. There may be someone better -- yes, it could be true! -- to be your husband, but that opportunity will only come when you surrender your life to God's will. Meanwhile, when you catch yourself being depressed and upset, remind yourself to be grateful for whatever is good in your life (surely there is something?) and realize there are worse things that could have happened. Try to read from Siri Guru Granth Sahib as often as possible so that you get the true perspective on life that our Guru gives us-- that family and friends are just temporary relationships. The permanent relationship is the one each of us needs to establish with our soul. So keep on praying for guidance, and keep your faith strong. God lives and breathes in you, and what is meant for you in this life will come to you. Blessings, SP

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