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Summary of Question:Difference Betweem Sikhism Nad Hinduism
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/06/2004 5:34 AM MDT

i am a proud sikh.i have many hindu collegues,who always try to tell me that sikhism is the part of hinduism.i always tell them that we dont worship idols as they do.but they normally talk that sikhs also celebrate same festivals and also we have names like ram,brahma,vishnu in guru granth tell me what should i reply them

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Yes, the references to Ram Brahma,Vishnu, etc in the the Siri Guru Granth Sahib are part of the cultural history and philosophy that led up to the NEW religion that was started by the followers, the students or SHISHYAS, the SIKHS of Guru Nanak. When the Words of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib were first spoken by the enlightened beings who revealed the Truth, they gave examples with which the people of that time and age were familiar. There is wisdom in the Vedas, but we are definitely a separate religion. As Sikhs we can celebrate any and all festivals of any religion, because we are universal in our acceptance of the religious path others choose to follow. That does not mean that we are part of that religion. Sikhism is unique in that our Living Guru is the Siri Guru Granth Sahib; we don't bow to any man as Guru, and we worship only ONE GOD. We do not quarrel about how to worship that One God, nor do we try to convert anyone! The Sikh religion is about EXPERIENCING the One God within, rather than worshipping some separate personalized deity. I hope that will help. Blessings, SP

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