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Summary of Question:Order Of Panj Kakars In Sikh Rehat Maryada?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Monday, 7/01/2002 2:18 PM MDT

respected khalsajio

As per the maryada every baptised sikh should always have 5 kakars,was there any specific order in which Guru Gobind Singh described them and if there was an order, then what was it? and is there any relativity of importance of the order of 5 k's

Sat Siri AKaal ji.
While 10th Master obviously gave the Panj Kakars one by one, the order in which he gave them is irrelevant. It is not about one being more important than the other. They come as a package, and symbolically represent all that Khalsa is, stands for and strives to be.

Please search this forum for further details on the symbology and purpose of the "Five K's" or for "5 Ks" (different ways to search it).
Guru ang sang,

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Order Of Panj Kakars In Sikh Rehat Maryada? (07/01/2002)
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