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Summary of Question:Wussup With All Of The Different Sikhs??
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 2/12/2003 10:56 PM MST

hi, i am a 18 year old girl who became amrit tari when i was in the eighth grade and as i grow older i get more and more questions that are left unanswered. So, I would like to ask you one of them for now. I am very confused about the fact that there are certain types of amrit tari sikhs like akhand kirtanis, and stuff...what's up with that? I thought we were all supposed to be equal once we amrit shukked..I don't wear a turban but i do wear a ramaal all day and never leave my head uncovered. And, when i go to some kirtans in which the majority of the people are akhand kirtaneeays i get the feeling i am not looked at as an equal because i am not wearing a turban. But, i really love the way they do kirtan because not one person isn't singin along. It's so great to be there, but i suddenly feel awkward because they are akhand kirtaneeays and i am not. What does all of this mean? Why do u have to have a different type of amrit sanchar if you want to be an akhand kirtaniya? I really don't get it. Please help me figure this out. I love going to their programs and stuff but we hardly get invited because i guess we don't wear keski's or something. But, just to let u know, my whole family is amrit tari and i really believe in GOD but it's things like this that confuse the heck out of me. please write back asap...thank you...

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Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh!

You are right. A Sikh of the Guru is a Sikh of the Guru. Guru's Khalsa is Guru's Khalsa. There is NO difference whatsoever. Do not let other people's egos affect your understanding. Use your own gentleness, strength and understanding to help others to understand that we are all exactly the same. How can you do that? By example. I understand that you feel awkward, but you are Khalsa, you are Guru Ji's beloved daughter. Let no one disturb your sahej. Just do loving seva, meditate on kirtan, perform kirtan, and go into the depth of Guru's bani. Let your love, calmness and confidence be unshaken. Raj Karega Khalsa!

Much love and many blessings, .....G

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