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Summary of Question:Gurus Revenge
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/29/2003 12:59 AM MDT

sat kal

well 1st i need to thank u fr anwering my previous questions .
i am faced with a very precarious situation . i know this wld sound very stupid & very common but it is really matter of life & death .
i ws going on wth a hindu girl from baroda (22yrs) staying close o uncles house . i never realised how muc i loved hr until now wen sh is getting married on the 3rd of may . our parents are againts our relation i dont know why . considerin the fact the guy wth whom she is getting married is a turbaned sikh (29 yrs ) . i seems that he is earning more than me (abt 15000 em) i have just satred my career but even iam earning 13000 pm . well i think that is not a bad salry fr a 23 yrs old guy like me . by the time i reach 29 i wld be earning much more than him . THINGS ARE REALLY LOOKING VERY GRIM . i really dont know what i am gonna do without hr especially on the may 3rd . i have tried verything from prayers to medical treatment fro depressin but nothing seems to work . I HAVE CUT MY HAIR & I KNOW I HAVE DONE A BIG MISTAKE . I FEEL THAT GURU IS TAKING A REVENGE ONME BECAUSE OF MY MISTAKE . NO MATTER HOW MUCH I TRYT O MOVE AWAY FROM Her something or the other happens whch brings me back to zero .this is effecting my work. there is a strong feeling in me TO COMMIT SUICIDE SINCE EVERYTHING EVERYONE I LIKE OR LOVE HAS GOEN AWAY . EEVN GURU HS IGORED ME . WELL I HAVE A QUESTION . PEOPLE SAY IAM NO LONGER A SIKH SICE I HAVE CUT MY HAIR . I AGREE TO THAT , BUT DO U THINK THE 29 YRS OLSD GUY ISA SIKH . A PERSON BECOMES A SIKH ONLY IF HE DOES NOT CUT HIS HAIR. its a fact tht the girl is forced to get married.(HOW CAN A GUY GET MARRIED TO A GIRL who is so young)


What I am going to say to you is going to sound harsh, but in my opinion, it is truth.

You have abandoned your soul and your commitment to your soul by cutting your hair. How can you expect to commit to a marriage with such flighty behavior? If you are willing to reject your Sikh rehit for a girl, what other values will you abandon under pressure. You are not ready for marriage. Marriage takes commitment and sacrifice, both of which you are not ready. What is my advise to you? Grow your hair. Recommit to your soul and live as a GurSikh. Give your life to the Guru and ask for His guidance. The right girl will be attracted to your courage, commitment, dedication and devotion. Be patient. You are immature and need to grow. Allow that time to grow and develop yourself. Let go of this girl. It sounds like the Guru has blessed you with her marriage to some one else. Pull yourself out of your "pitty-pot, say Wahe Guru and go on. Guru is great. GTKK

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