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Summary of Question:Astrology And Guru Nanak
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 11/18/2008 6:37 AM MST

I would like to ask a question regarding Astrology horoscopes etc and Guru Nanak and there is something I have read which confuses me which I hope you can help me.

I have read many books regarding Sikhi which explain that Astrology, horoscopes, curses etc do not exist within our religion.

But I was recently reading about Guru Nanak and about when he was born and that his parents at the time called an Astrologer, who informed them he would grow up to be a very special man for all.
I understand Sikhi did not exist at the time, but by reading that statment, it makes me think certain parts of astrology may be true, beacuse
Guru Nanak did grow up to be a very special man for all and helped create the beutfiful religion of sikhi.

Thank you in advance

Dear one,
Guru Nanak Dev was born into a Hindu family who practiced their religion that uses Astrology as a guide.

With Guru Granth Sahib as our guide, we do not have the limit of the astrological forecast. This is the beauty of our lifestyle, that there is no imposed limitation. We have the Shabd of the Guru to give us direction and comfort and excellence. Guru Nanak was destined by God to be a great saint and leader.
And he started a path that embraced all humans to live to their greatness BEYOND expectation.


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