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Summary of Question:Cult Like Behavior
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 7/14/2001 4:35 AM MDT

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, sri Waheguru ji ke Fateh

I have a problem, but first a little bit of history. I am 30 something and raised in a rural northern Alberta town with very few sikhs. With the guidence of my Grandfather and parents I have always been fluent in Punjabi and have been taught the values of being a devote Sikh. My parents had been some what religious for most of their lives until they moved to Vancouver, B.C., where of course there is a thriving sikh community. In the mid 90's my mother and father were introduced to a group of sikhs that followed a Baba Balwant Singh, from whom they became Amritdahri. I do not know if it is appropriate to use his name, and am not disrespecting him in any way. I am only interested in find more information about him because I have not been given any substantial info from any of his followers and I have never had an opportunity to speak with him, although I did see him at a kirtan at my parents house.
Anyway, Baba Balwant Singh has gained quite a following in Vancouver and area. The Sungaat gets together every night to do kirtan and chant Waheguru. This is all very great but for the fact that they turn off the lights, and chant "Waheguru!" at the top of there lungs, some even scream, and appear to be in a semi-conscouse state! Now I am not claiming to know what is wrong or right but in all honesty for my wife and son and I it was kind of scary. My mother and father have both become devote followers of the Baba and hold kirtan at their house about twice a year. They had one last night, to which the Baba actually attended, but I did not. My mother begged me to come but I could not force myself to go where I do not feel comfortable. Not only is the behavior of the sungaat unsettling, but the way they talk about the Baba it would appear as though the are worshipping him and not the Gurus or God. They claim that by chanting in this manner Baba will be able to show them Guru Gobind Singh and the Guru will be ab

le to free them form what ever ails them. Is this possible? Is the Baba claiming that he can channel spirits? My mother claims that the Baba knows what the future holds and is constantly telling him personal information about our family. Our deepest secrets are known by the entire sungaat. I have heard that the baba has left his langar partially eaten and the left overs have been eaten by his follower, this apparently is common practice. This has all become so unsettling that I have refused to attend these kirtans and would much rather go to the Gurudawara, where I feel blissfull peace. But this has upset my parents a great deal. They feel that I have abandoned them. My mother also thinks that my wife is the one behind my feelings, but that is not true. Therefore I also am feeling guilty because I love and respect my parents and do not want to hurt them in any way. I wish that I could talk privatly with the Baba to clarify what exactly he is preaching, but he does not sit with the sungaat during langar, and

is surrounded by his followers at all times.
If there is any one out there that knows about this group and has any information about them and Baba Balwant Singh I would really appritiate you sharing the info at my e-mail: [email protected]

My questions to you at sihknet is how do you feel about this? Do you know of any groups like this? Are these practices appropriate for sikhs? And most importantly am I wrong in critisizing my parents involvement?

Once again if my comments about Baba Balwant Singh offend anyone then I am sorry, it is not my intent to discredit him or his followers. I am only reporting what I have witnessed and how I feel, and I am only looking for someone who can tell what exactly is going on here and is it within the guidlines of sikhism, because to some the behavior of these people including my parents might appear cultish.

sincerely confused,

Sarbjit Singh


Sarbjit Singh Ji,
Sat Nam!! The important thing is for you to be comfortable and happy with your practice. If your parents are happy with their's, that is perfect. You need to find your own way to worship Guru which is comfortable and blissful for you. Don't feel bad that you and your parents don't worship exactly alike. At least you are all Sikhs and believe in the same Guru. Make an agreement with your parents to accept each other without judgement. In other words, accept how your parents choose to worship, and ask them to give you the same. GTKK

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