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Summary of Question:Why Do We Touch The Ground At The End Of Ardas
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 10/03/2002 12:14 AM MDT

sat sri akaal ji

I have a query regarding ardas practices.i.e.
1.why do we touch the ground at the end of the ardas. second query, that in the gurbani we quite often find the sentence"moko kar santan ki dhoore"
which i think means that our guru saab requests god to bless him the company of
saints.Am i right?if yes,then whom does sant refers to?
If sant are the people with high spirituality then that means persons like
"Gautam Budh" falls under the same category.

I understand that it is difficult for you to handle so many questions pouring in from all around the world.But i shall be obliged to hear from you.
thanking you.
sat sri akaal

(REPLY) Sat nam. Bowing is a reverent action, symbolizing offering of one's head to the Guru, it is a sign of humility , and surrender and acceptance of God's will. There's a cosmic principle, that "where you bow, you will be blessed." We bow to the Guru to receive Guru's blessings, in particular, after the Ardas, when we hear the hukam , we will be better able to receive it and understand it, and take it into our hearts (because we've "given our heads" to the Guru!). as for the "company of the sants" or the "company of the Holy" -- remember these are translations, and I believe that what is meant is the sadh sangat. For in spite of our personal, individual flaws and imperfections, when we are in the sadh sangat, we become as a group, those "sants" -- though of course, I agree, it would be a blessing to be in the company of any recongized, true Saint, such as Gautama Budda. Since we are all, including you and me (!) spiritual or divine beings, here temporarily on Earth in human form, when we come into the sadh sangat and gather for prayer and meditation, that divine aspect of ourselves is what is foremost. I hope that helps answer your questions. Blessings, SP

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Why Do We Touch The Ground At The End Of Ardas (10/03/2002)
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