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Summary of Question:The Three Gunas
Date Posted:Saturday, 7/13/2002 1:58 PM MDT

Hello Ji

It has been written many times in the SGGS, 'the 3 gunas' and also about the 3 qualities. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what they were, and if they are good qualities or bad ones, and generally how they relate to the individual. And also, in the SGGS it says that one should serve the True Guru, what doe sthis actually mean, how are we supposed to serve Guru Ji ?

In the Hukamnama dated #saturday 13th July (from Sri Darbar Sahib), it says :"One moment, this mind is in the heavens, and the next, it is in the nether regions; the Guru brings the wandering mind back to one-pointedness. When the mind returns to one-pointedness, one totally understands the value of salvation, and enjoys the subtle essence of the Lord?s Name." Does this mean that sometimes one may feel close to God and at other times not so close, in order to teach the indivdual the difference between maya and non-maya?

Also, God causes people to act they way they do because this is all a play, therefore is it fair to assume that even the bad things ppl do is part of this play, and one shouldnt interfere and try to stop those doing bad things, beacsue they are doing it as God causes them to? if so then how does Karma fit into it then ? I dont get it

If u pray really a lot for something and u dont get it, is it fair to assume that u may get it in ur next life? If so does that mean that one shouldnt pray for material things or anything that doesnt relate to God, because by doing so they may be asking for another life (without knowing it) to get those things they prayed for in their previous life?

I may be wrong here, but i remebr reading in the SGGS that in every strand of hair God exists? couls anyone shed some light on this pleeease

I know i have asked a lot of questions, and i would really appreciate it if anybody could give me the answwers as i am started to get confused....aaaahhhhh!!!!

thank you

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Greetings in the Name of the Guru, the Light of every Sikh!

First about the gunas. The three gunas are the same as the three qualities. The five earthly tattvas are qualities in our senses and in the world. These five tattvas engage three types of behaviors or qualities, called gunas, that determine the altitude and attitude of our life.

These three gunas are: sattvas, rajas, and tamas.

If we use the mind in the sattvic guna, which is clarity and lightness, it makes us saintly and enriches us to be crowned as a Lord of the Universe. We are both connected and effective.

If we use the rajasic guna, which is forcefulness and will, it empowers us to be the king of the territory - to gain jurisdiction wherever we feel, see, and live.

If we use the tamasic guna, which is dullness, unawareness, attachment and functioning only by need and instinct, it makes a human an animal in this world without any blessings or guidance from the heavens.

To be happy as a human being, we must recognize our basic guna and live to it. We must have an effective personality. Our tattvas and gunas must support us. Our mind needs to project in unisonness the power of our facets to deliver our own angelic self. We must call on our own spiritual and genetic strength. We have been given everything we need.

The foods we eat are classified according to the gunas as well. Sattvic (means the mode of goodness) foods are fruits, grains, nuts, peas, beans, leafy greens, other vegetables and yogurt, butter, milk and fresh cheese. These foods should make up the bulk of one's diet, thereby increasing one's tendency toward beneficial spiritual study and understanding. The Vedas teach that if one eats Sattvic foods, spiritual life is enhanced and ignorance is decreased.

Rajasic means the Mode of Passion. Foods in this mode are too pungent, too spicy hot, too sour, too salty or too sweet. These foods should only be eaten occasionally, and then only in moderation. They stimulate the ego, encouraging one to focus on gratifying the ego senses.

Tamasic means the Mode of Ignorance. Foods in this mode are animal flesh (meat), alcohol or any other food that is decaying or putrefied. Rotting Sattvic or Rajasic foods become Tamasic. When one eats foods in the Mode of Ignorance, it becomes increasingly difficult to cultivate spiritual knowledge or pursue a spiritual lifestyle. Tamasic foods are heavy and weigh one down, both physically and mentally. These foods ought to be avoided by those wishing to live a spiritually aware life.

In addition to foods, people and their activities are also classified in the three modes of material nature. People with Sattvic nature are calm, centered, compassionate, generous, kind and generally mind their own business.

People with Rajasic nature are excitable, preachy, judgmental and intrusive into the affairs of others.

People with Tamasic nature are violent, aggressive, jealous, greedy, thoughtless of others and unconcerned with spiritual pursuits.

Decide for yourself which type of person you'd rather associate with. Try this. Eat only Sattvic foods (with occasional Rajasic seasoning) for 90 days. I guarantee that your thinking and perception will be clearer, and you'll be more naturally inclined toward spiritual understanding.

Summary of the The Three Gunas:

Personality Split
Angry, Confused, Stupid
Red Spectrum
God as Existence

Rajasic—Earthling Human
Personality Aligned
Demanding, Positive, Active
Yellow Spectrum
Emotional, Commotional
God as Companion

Sattvic—Angelic Human
Personality Unified to Spirit
Graceful, Peaceful, Disciplined
Green Spectrum
Intuitive, Sensitive
God as Personal & Present

Next, the hukum. The hukum says that it is the nature of the mind to be high or low, to wander from thought to thought and from emotion to emotion. When the Guru becomes a constant presence in our consciousness, it provides an anchor point, a touchstone, so that we can observe the movement of the mind for what it is rather than be taken along by it. We can consciously bring it back to the Guru and focus there.

Nothing is good or bad. Thinking makes it so. We must act consciously and be aware that every action, every word, has a sequence and a consequence. When we act consciously, we do not create more karmas for ourselves.

Now about prayer. Most people don't understand prayer. Prayer is not a shopping list. It is not about praying for things. It is about invoking a blessing through your humility and compassion. When you bless others, you are blessed. Pray to bless others and let God bless you.

"In every strand of hair, God exists"... God is everywhere, inside of everything. God fills all spaces and inter-spaces. There is no place without God. God is the creative power and energy of all things. When you meditate and experience the sacred experience of Ang Sang Waheguru!, you feel and experience God in every limb, every fibre, every cell of your being! It is divine and blissful!

Many blessings and much love to you, .....G

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