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Summary of Question:Animal Experimentation
Date Posted:Wednesday, 11/08/2000 7:49 AM MST

What is Sikhi's view on animal experimentation? Can it be justified, if mankind benefits from cures to cancer, polio, etc? Taking into account some experiments are very, very, very brutal!!

Do 'you' (the moderators) think ethically, the means can be justified by the end(s)?

And finally and most importantly, what does Sathguru Mahraj say on this subject?
I understand there will be no direct tohks, but has Waheguru given total domination to man, over all other life on earth?
We have a respect for all God's creation. God dwells within all creation.

I am not prepared to give an opinion on this. I am not so much concerned with debates and mental conjectues. Better to spend your time dealing with your own experience of internal connection to your God given wisdom and the truths that are unchanging.

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Animal Experimentation (11/08/2000)
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