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Summary of Question:How Can My Boyfriend Become Legal
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/20/2008 1:05 PM MDT

Hi I'm 17 years old and I'm pregnant. I have a boyfriend who is an illegal immigrant and I am scared he will be taken from me. He has a fake name and is currently doing community service for a crime he commited under his fake identity. I was not sure if I should put down his name as the father of my baby just in case he gets caught. Also is there a faster way to become legal. Does marriage work in these situations or do I start a petition for him to stay here.


You need to seek out an immigration attorney to ask your questions. You may also be able to google "immigration requirements" and find the information you need. It also depends upon the state you are in, as each state might be a little different. Are you sure you want this person to be in your life and your child's life? Think about that too. Blessings, JJK

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How Can My Boyfriend Become Legal (03/20/2008)
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