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Summary of Question:Friend Contemplating Suicide
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Wednesday, 9/26/2001 8:12 PM MDT

Waheguru ji ka khalsa

waheguru ji ki fateh,
How are you doing? Hope, you are doing fine. May waheguru keep you in charhdikala. You are helping out a lot of young sikh adults by running this service of question and answers. I just wanted to say thanks for it.
anyhow the question i have is for a friend, my friend didn't want to talk to anyone about it, and i don't know how to help him out.
The question is that, he loves a girl who is sikh but is of a different caste, not that it matters to him.
anyway, he loves her a lot - but his parents are kind of in to the caste system and stuff. they think that people should marry into their own caste system and stuff. he on the other hand thinks - that's all bull crap.
his parents don't know about hisself and the girl , but he knows that they wouldn't understand, even if he did told them.
he is thinking of suicide.
i want advice from you, that how should i help him out.

waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fateh

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Your friend has deeper problems than love if he is contemplating suicide over this matter! This is not your burden. Don't mistake me: be his friend, but get him professional help because anyone contemplating suicide has more going on than what they tell you!!! And you are not trained to deal with these other levels. Meantime do not let him be alone. Stay with him, get others to stay with him and take very seriously that any chance he has to be alone puts him in danger.

I don't know where you are, but if he is in any kind of school system, start there and find him a school counselor. There are in USA and Canada, also (I believe) youth hotlines for those contemplating suicides. Look in a yellow pages if you are in USA or Canada. Or call a major metropolitan police department and ask them for a youth hotline number.

This business of caste is dividing Sikhs worse than anything! No Sikh parent should REQUIRE their child to marry within caste, it is NOT the Sikh way. Please share this article with your friend and others:

Guru rakha,

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Friend Contemplating Suicide (09/26/2001)
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