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Summary of Question:Joining The Navy?
Date Posted:Monday, 1/24/2005 4:36 PM MST

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

I am a 17 year old Sikh girl. I live in NY. Anyway, I would like to join the US Navy. My recruiter even found out if I can keep my Kes, (and I can). However, he needs to check to see if I am allowed to tie my dastar, actually Keski to be more specific. I'm afraid that they might not let me tie a turban (especially at boot camp, but maybe they will let me keep my physical Sikhi saroop at the officer level). I really want to be a medical doctor and officer at the Navy, but I don't know what to do if they say I can't tie my Dastar.
Also, do you have any idea how I could memorize Gurbani, especially the Nitnem. At boot camp we're not allowed any civilian items after the first week, including the Gutka. Therefore, I have to memorize the Paath. But I just can't memorize it enough to recite without the Gutka, or a tape, or someone else reciting. What should I do?
Also, do you know if there are any Sikhs out there that also want to join the Navy and also keep their Sikhi saroop? Maybe we can join together and somehow start a Navy division of Sikhs . . .
I really appreciate your wonderful service of imparting great knowledge and wisdom to others! I know that you are busy but please respond back soon. Thank you.

Sat Siri AKaal. Don't sign on the dotted line with the recruiter until you have something in writing that you can keep keski! Once you sign up, the Navy is your mother and father for the next 4 years, and you live per Navy rules, not Sikh rules, in a manner of speaking.
Be forceful with the recruiter about how important it is for Sikhs to keep their hair and keep it covered. Then insist that the recruiter get you a paper copy of the current regulations governing dress, appearance, hair and head covers. Ask the recruiter to enlist the assistance of a Navy chaplain if needed. You do not want to get in the Navy only to find out you cannot keep your hair up and covered and get hassled for it besides. I am told by an ex-Naval officer that you can keep the hair long in a braid down the back. The head cover or keski over jura is another matter entirely. Take pictures of Sikhs with turbans and show them to your recruiter. Tell him/her that cutting your hair or not being allowed to cover it as a SIkh is very important to you. If they are not going to allow the keski, then reconsider how important Navy life is to you really.
As for sunda gatka, the only way to memorize it is to memorize it. Use aids to get there (tape, recitation, reading) but there are no hard and fast rules about memorization techniques.
The Navy might not be ready for Sikhs. Regulations prohibit any facial hair, so keshdhari male Sikhs already cannot join. Understand that you can be a groundbreaker, but are you willing to sacrifice faith for a free ride to medical school? The choice is yours. Guru ang sang,

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