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Summary of Question:Am I In Rehat??
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 4/17/2003 4:51 PM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I am having problems getting up during Amritvela to do simran and path. One day I get up next I don't. The day I don't get up early, I don't do simran and do path(panj bania) with Rehras Sahib. Now the next day I can get up. Am I not in Rehat if I can't get up at amritvela regularly, although I think I am getting there slowly. Hopefully God will have His Grace on me to wake me reguraly. That is what I hope for. So am I not in full rehat yet???

Please give me advice and thank you.
Wahguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Keep trying! Set your alarm clock -- or maybe set two of them! And before you go to sleep at night, pray to Guru to bless you by waking you up in the Amrit Vela. (Also, don't eat right before you go to sleep at night! That could make it harder to wake up in the morning.) May God bless you and Guru be by your side always. SP

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Am I In Rehat?? (04/17/2003)
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