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Summary of Question:I Want To Read The Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Date Posted:Saturday, 6/08/2002 3:06 PM MDT

I have started reading the SSGS in Gurmukhi, but i do not understand anything. It seems pointless to read something you dont understand. Is it wrong if I read it in English so that I know what the Guru is saying or should I read what the guru wrote? I want to read the entire SSGS and understand what teachings the Guru's have given us. Thank you for your help.


Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh,

You are attempting to undertake a great life journey, and it fills my heart with joy to think about the wisdom and understanding that you will gain from your commitment to studying the Guru.

With the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, there are a few things to consider. First off, no studying of the Guru's word, in any language, is ever worthless - it is always priceless. At the very least, you will be focusing your mind on consideration of the Guru's teaching, which has (literally) infinite worth.

Now in direct reply to your question:

Reading from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in Gurmukhi without understanding the meaning of the words is still extremely valuable. These are the actual perfected words of the Guru, spoken from the highest consciousness and perfectly preserved for your study. The sound of the words is rooted in the naad - the rhythmical relationship between the finite and the infinite. In short, merely speaking the words that the Guru's spoke (with proper pronunciation) is a consciousness raising experience. Your soul knows the meaning even if your mind does not yet grasp it.

However, it is also invaluable to read a translation of the Guru in a language in which you are fluent. Although no translation of any text is perfect, and even less so since the original of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is direct from the Guru, you still will gain much understanding of the Guru's teachings. Meditating on the name, service to all humanity, total humility, fearlessness in the face of oppression, courage to live to your destiny - all of these issues will speak to you in powerful and engaging terms regardless of which of the several translations you use.

The optimum goal of course would be to read in Gurmukhi with perfect understanding. Perhaps there is a Gurbani study group at your Gurdwara that you could join to get you started on this longer term goal?

Most important is not to get caught up in what you are not capable of doing today, and to focus on what you are capable of doing. Read the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in English, read the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in Gurmukhi and feel the sound current, and slowly gain more and more understanding of our Guru's infinite teaching.

Sat Nam,

Dharam Singh

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