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Summary of Question:Where Do We Come From?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 4/22/2002 1:08 PM MDT

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa; Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fatai,

I have this question, now both Christianity and Islam talk about Adam and Eve.
I was wondering what the Granth Sahib says of our creation? How was the world created? Who was the first man and woman? Do we believe in Adam and Eve?
Please let me know, thanks.

P.S Someone posted a question on the forum, whether it is alright to give blood and to have a tattoo. I just want this person to know, that you can't give blood for 12 months, if he has had himself tattooed.

REPLY: Sat Nam. In Japji Sahib, Guru Nanak explained how the world was created. The answer to your question is right there in his divine words! Blessings, SP

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