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Summary of Question:Females Cutting Facial Hair Is Wrong
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/14/2004 9:30 PM MST


i luv sikhisim and god. i plan on gettin baptised on Vaisakee 2004 (forgive me for my spelling mistakes) i am 13yrs old and i really get mad when pplz say that it is alright for a female to cut her facial hair. the reason i get mad is because god created men and women equally. so if a female can cut her facial hair and shes amridhari that means a man can cut off his beard. am i right? for all the of my sisters out there if u think that cutting ur facial hair is alright, remember this god created you and so if u have facial hair than maybe god wanted to to have facial hair. Am i right my brothers and sisters?


Sat Siri Akaal. Yes, sakheeji, you are right.

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Females Cutting Facial Hair Is Wrong (02/14/2004)
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