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Summary of Question:I Am Trying To Do Paath But Cant Seem To Do It Every Day
Date Posted:Tuesday, 9/07/2004 2:48 PM MDT

Sat Siri Akaal,

hi i have a little problem the thing is that i am trying to do paath but cant seem to do it everyday and it also proves that one of my friend said was true that i dont like to do Paath which is not true. i like to do Paath but cant do it everyday and i want to tell her but i am afraid that she is going to get upset and also that she is an amritdhaari so do you have anything that i can do so i can also remember to do Paath and is it okay to only to do pauri of the morning nitnem??

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Doing Paath is not for your friend's benefit, it is for yours! If you truly want to do it every day, then pray for help to remember to do it, write yourself notes to remind yourself, set your alarm every night with the INTENTION of getting up in time. Whether she is Amritdhari has nothing to do with YOU. THis is between you and your Guru! So,again, pray for help, and remember, no one can "Give you permission" to do only part of the morning Nitnem. Every person is responsible for himself or herself to do the best they can do. May God bless you and Guru guide you and inspire you. SP

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I Am Trying To Do Paath But Cant Seem To Do It Every Day (09/07/2004)
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