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Summary of Question:Guru Darshan
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 10/12/2002 2:26 AM MDT

Hi, There is one question that i would really like to ask. I have a friend, who has no religion, but has good heart, i just wondered, if i pray for my friend to guru ji, would guru ji listen and is it possible for guru ji to bring my friend into Sikhi, so that his/her life could be led with purity and guru's grace. Is there any shabad you can tell me to recite.......




Sat Siri Akal.

It's not a good game to pray for someone to come into Sikhi. Being with the Guru is about destiny and not every soul has the destiny to be with the Guru in this lifetime. They have other things to do, other things to learn. And that's the way God's play works, and God's play is perfect as it is. If you want to pray for your friend, pray that s/he lives according to God's will, that s/he find whatever spiritual path their her/his has come here to connect with. Pray for good health, for protection. The journey of every soul is sacred, and God guides the lives of all His creatures. Pray out of your love for your friends, but don't use the pwoer of your prayer to try to direct their path. God already has the perfect path set in front of them.

All love.


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