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Summary of Question:Family Crisis
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/07/2005 2:20 PM MDT


what if ur family(extended), cousins etc are not very religious: they believe in pundits, black magic, cut their hair etc in what way should we deal with them? accoriding to sikhism what is right? i personally believe one should let em go but my parents on the other hand fell almost the same way,..just not as strongly as i believe so...they care about what society says....that we left the family but technecally isn't that right???i think so...what do u say???


WEll, I guess it depends upon how these extended relatives affect the rest of you. Is it important to take a dramatic stand? Isn't it the Sikh way to be kind to everyone? You don't have to have them come live with you or be with them a lot. Real family is being with being of like mind...but you don't have to "announce" it and make a big deal of it. So, it all depends upon the affect of these people on your family. For example, if I had small children that relatives were influencing in a negative way then I would discuss this with my children and limit their exposer to these pundits. You will have to decide what is best for your family...just keep in mind that as Sikhs, we are kind and long as we are not being taken down with them. Be strong in your identity and proud. Blessings. GTKK

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