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Summary of Question:Re: Reply To The Hair Cutting Question By Virinder Singh
Date Posted:Monday, 2/24/2003 4:36 AM MST

Waheguru JI ka Khalsa Wahegur JI ki fateh!!

Im sorry about this and i would be very thankful if you could post this. This is a reply to this post and i am Vrinder SIngh. Im very sorry if i offended anyone but my post was not aimed at people like you only those who make excuses for their action. Just a Yoga alone is useless. I Am a amritdhari Sikh of only 4 months, 21 now, i was bought up eating meat and in a non religious family, and in no way consider myself to be a Gursikh yet so forgive me. I am not a strict Sikh and i hate judging people, I feel most of the "mone" people hare are the ones who actually become the true servants of Guru. Offcourse hair falls out and is pulled out all the time but there is no excuse for making excuses thats my point. If we dont represent today and we dont keep our hair, our kirpan then why will our kids keep it? We are the role models for the future of Sikhi around the world. We should fight for the right to walk in schools with kirpans, kesh etc. So when i hear people saying oh yes im Sikh and i have cut hair, but its oooooookkk because blah blah, thats what i dont like. If u however are attempting to walk the path of Guru Ji in wahtever state you are in, meat eater, mona etc then its fine and you people shall pave the way but we have to listen to our Guru, we have to teach the world what Sikhi really is, the gudwaras have failed so we have to look diffrent, pl should be weary of us and say hello Mr Singh why are u wearing such a large knife, then we can explain to them why. My friends are athiests, most of them but when i explained SIkhi to them, they said if there was one religion i would follow it would be this one. So i ask for forgivness if i offended anybody but its hard to express emotion and true meaning like this. Excuses that remain excuses, and all excuses carry a reason, there is no room for this in SIkhi was my point. REMEMBER IT TOOK THE GURUS of such high spirituality over 200 yrs to change society and just look at history to see what stuggle they had to go through, we cannot afford to be any less can we? Naam Jaap, serva karoh for these are the wings to succeed :)
Vrinder Singh

Sat Siri Akaal. I think you expressed yourself well and clearly. Thank you.

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