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Summary of Question:To Seek Dinvine Grace & Protection
Date Posted:Tuesday, 10/15/2002 1:11 PM MDT

Waheguru ji ka khalsa,

Waheguru ji ki Fateh,

Sat sri akal ji,

In the past few people cheated my husband in business. They robbed most of wealth and property. Now a law suit is going on in the court so that we can get justice. We are God-fearing sikhs and have full faith in Akal Purakh But other party is very influential ,they can use their devilish policies to any extent.
Please suggest me some path or shabad from bani which can help us to struggle for justice from Lord's house and from court too.

Sat Siri Akaal. Chant 11 times a day with sincerity the 22nd pauri of Japji (pataala pataal lakh agaasa agaas...."). This brings victory in legal battles and gives you the strategy. Chanting the shabd "aap saha-ee hoa, sach-a da sachaa dho-aa" (in Raag sorath, M 5, don't know the ang,sorry.) This will also protect you from your enemies.
Guruang sang,

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