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Summary of Question:Re: Suicide
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/20/2004 9:34 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal,

I want to reply to the person who wrote the message titled "Suicide". First of all, I just want to say "PLEASE DON'T DO THAT". I dont want to be rude but I feel like when people who think of suicide are cowards. How can you give so much pain to your parents, your siblings, friends and so on. I understand that sometimes, we feel like it's easy to die than to live. Having a girlfriend is not an accomplishment. and finding a job is not an easy task. You have to send tons of resumes and then only you can get one or two calls. These are small problems as compare to what you are thinking (killing yourself) to give to your parents.

In Sikhism, Gure/God is SGGC. To me, Sikhism is a set of rules by which I want to follow my life. It's all about making yourself strong enough from inside so that you can face all the challenges of your life with a smile. You are not alone. Everyone has their own problems. I'm NOT a luckiest person in the world. I'm just 26 years old and have seen so much in my life and still I dont see my life to be easy. But whenever I think of killing myself then I think of my mom that how would she handle it? She raised me with lots of trouble and now how can I give her so much pain by killing myself.

Please start reading SGGC and understanding the meanings of it too. Our religion tells us how to be strong in the tough time of your life. Dont worry, everything will be alright. Be Strong.

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