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Summary of Question:What Is The Meaning Of Masiya?
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/17/2001 1:13 AM MST

Sat Sri Akal,

I was wondering what the meaning of Masiya is. My parents celebrate it but they don't understand exactly what it means.

Your help would be appreciated.


Sat Siri Akaal. Masiyaa is a cultural practice that originated with Hindus but has been adopted by Sikh Gurdwaras throughout India and elsewhere. Masiyaa refers to the dark night of the moon (before it begins to wax) that occurs monthly. Gurdwaras celebrate this time with a kirtan program (sometimes lasting all night). For the most part, a Masiyaa program is social and brings in money to Gurdwaras. It is NOT something that was sanctioned or practiced by our Gurus, nor is it a Gurpurb or other Sikh holiday.

Guru ang sang,

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