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Summary of Question:Re Ardass- G's Response
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Friday, 1/18/2002 5:40 PM MST

dear g, u wrote:

"We place our palms together during ardaas because it creates a mental state of neutrality by connecting the energy of the left and right sides of the body (positive and negative). When you put positive and negative together - it creates a neutral. The hands are in the center of the chest, which stimulates the vagus nerve and produces a response from the pituitary gland. The mind becomes neutral and we become centered so we can focus on the flow of our prayer at the ajna - the third eye point. "

i was completely taken back as i have never come across these ideas before. can u tell me what this is called in gurumukhi +where i can read more about this theory in SGGS. thank you.


The technology behind many things we do was well understood at the time of the Gurus, but has been mostly forgotten now. Much of this knowledge was assumed and understood at the time, since rishis and yogis had been exploring it and practicing it since pre-Vedic times. Some of that body of knowledge is in the process of being rediscovered now. Our Gurus didn't write about some of this (they did write about some of it, but not all of it), nevertheless, the nature of human physiology and consciousness hasn't changed since pre-Vedic times and our bodies and minds still function they way they did thousands of years ago. For some people it's important to understand the technology behind what we do. For others it is not important. The value of knowing, is that we can begin to understand that we do not do things through blind ritual - by rote or habit - but that our Gurus understood the technology of consciousness and that the things we do actually have a solid basis in that technology.


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