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Summary of Question:Why Are People So Mean
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/13/2004 1:13 PM MDT

warguru ji khalsa warguru fateh

I just want to say that people make fun of sikhs because their skin color and the because we wear turbans. In America they make fun of everyone that is not white. I think this is wrong because everyone is god children. I want to know people race in account when everyone is equal in Gods eyes. Can you please answer this question. Thank You

From Harpal Singh Khalsa

warguru ji khalsa warguru fateh

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Unfortunately, in many "human" beings, there is a streak of cruelty. The great Gurus and all enlightened beings have tried to help humanity overcome this animal nature, and live with kindness and respect for all, but so far the reality is that most people, out of fear, will attack, make fun of, of even kill those who are "different" from themselves. Look at the horrible atrocities happening every day now in the Iraq and other places in the world. Young kids in their early teens are often very mean to other kids even in countries that were founded on "democracy." This is sad fact of life. The best we can do is try to make ourselves into the best people we can be, follow the Guru's teachings, bless and forgive those who don't know any better, set an example of righteousness and when we have children, give them faith in God and Guru and the values our Gurus taught. Blessings, SP

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