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Summary of Question:Re: Sex Before Marriage But After Engagement
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/28/2005 7:33 AM MDT

Its in reply to Sex Before Marriage But After Engagement Question raised by the girl

when she is going to marry a muslim & obviously she will be converted to muslim then why you are asking abt this as per sikhism , i mean now she must follow what islam says. Kadhe gurua ne sochaya vi nahee hovega ki saadein kaum diyaan kuriyan is tarah pyaar ch peke sonni sikhi chad den giyan. How can their parents & relatives be agree for the marrige.
Is tarah diyaan gallan sunke bada mada lagdaa hai
.Can u trace some incidents where a muslim girl marries a sikh or other hardly u will find.
Mein taa ahe ardaass karangaa ki mat baksh inhaa kuriyaan nu te sikhi wal aan eh loki
I am sure this lady belongs to UK .

Bhul CHuk Maafi
Par saariyan layee eh sochaan wali gal hai


You make a good point. There is only so much Sikhs can do to keep people Sikh. Being a Sikh is a weed out process. Those that don't remain Sikh can't cut it.

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