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Summary of Question:Power Of Words
Date Posted:Sunday, 8/08/2004 10:01 AM MDT


I really appreciate and thank you for your reply.
"Aluck Baba Siri Chand de rackh" is not in SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI, so why should we tell somebody to recite which is not actually present in gurbani. We are told not to follow "KACHI BANI", right? Isn't there anything that can be read from gurbani and solve the purpose. We all do "PATH" and there are so many shabds.
I would like to quote from your reply"The way I heard it, his yogic
power was/is so great that calling upon him only once for protection is all
that is needed-- otherwise, he might be offended if you think you have to
keep repeating it"
Well if we pray to SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI as many times as we want ,I don't think BABA JI will get annoyed.
I know this not the discussion form but my just wanted to convey my point.
Manpreet Singh

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I definitely understand your point! I agree, of course, Siri Guru Granth Sahib is our ultimate guide, authority, and inspiration. The more recitation, the better, However, people study and practice medicine, engineering, law,accounting and other professions that have skills that are used in every day life. Even the technology of yoga has something to offer. So, I think we can use other technologies. Blessings, SP

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