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Summary of Question:Prayers For Unfortunate Events Work?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 8/30/2004 11:02 AM MDT

i had a question about praying. In my temple if a a child is writing an imporatant exam, or is competing in some type of competition(atletic or academic),or is leaving home for the first time, or is getting married, etc...the parent will ask the congregation to pray for the child's success. However, I was wondering what would happen if somebody were to pray the worst for the child. Simplified, my question is "Would god listen to someone who is praying the worst for someone?" Would god listen, or would he just ignore it, or would he have something bad happen to the person who is praying the worst in turn, or what?

Thank you for your time.

Sat Siri Akaal. True prayer is about requesting the highest good for others, however that is defined, or not. Asking sangat support for one's child gives the child psychic support to succeed, do well, whatever.
God hears all. If one is praying for bad or unfortunate things to happen, God will do what God believes is right, which is, by the way, what He always does. SOmetimes the answers to our prayers don't come the way we want or think they should come.
WHy anyone would actually pray to God for something that the person praying KNOWS in his/her heart to be bad or wrong is the question. There are all kinds of misguided prayers out there, made by people who themselves believe completely in what they are asking for. Sooner or later, they learn, though it may take lifetimes, which is how God works. Remember that if someone is wishing bad for another as prayer to the Creator, then the karma of that intent is to bring bad to that person. It is a neverending cycle. So your question must take into account the law of karma, which is: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction--applies to thoughts too. Hope this helps,
Guru ang sang, DKK

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