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Summary of Question:Re. Japji Sahib
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 10/18/2004 5:59 AM MDT

Dear Moderator, please post this reply

Dearest Gursikh

To recite Jap Ji is nothing hard, if you keep trying within a month you will be able to recite the whole of japji sahib within 15 mins

I think I read a similar question on Sikhnet before, so in response to both questions

Japji Sahib is the Path we must do - in order to become Brahm Giyani (Bhai Guriqbal Ji - Jap Ji Koh Balihaar)

also Guru Gobind Singh Ji - has given us a rehit (orders/instructions) to recite 5 baniya in the morning

Jap Ji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Tav Parsad Swaiye, Chaupai Sahib and Anand Sahib

and 2 in the evening

Rehraas Sahib and Kirtan Sohila

so you see, that reciting just japji sahib would not be accpetable - by means of the hukam given by Guru Gobind Singh sikhs should maintain their Rehit

Guru Ji specifically said - "to him the rehit is everything, not the sikh" punjabi..he said something along the lines of " Mujhe Sikh Pyaara, rehit Nahi"

So in conclusion, reciting just a lil of Jap ji Sahib is worse still, however it is certainly better than not doing nothing

I dont mean to preach, i currently do not recite the full 5 banis, however I am learning how to - and fundamentally that is what a sikh does "learn" as per the meaning Of Sikh

Guru Ang Sang

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