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Summary of Question:Who Was The First Kaur?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/17/2003 4:23 AM MDT


This question came up on the discusion forum, I thought it would be a good question to ask.

Who was the first Kaur and are their any historical records to confirm?

Sat Siri Akaal. Since 10th Guru's wife Mata Sahib Deva played such an important role in the first Baisakhi/Amrit Ceremony (she suggested to 10th Guru Gobind Singh that sweetener/sugar be added to the water/amrit that had been stirred with khanda), AND given that Guru himself had the Panj Piaray give HIM amrit after he had done so for them, I believe that she was probably the first Kaur to receive Amrit. I'm sure it is in some historical record; perhaps another reader can confirm or you could do some research yourself on this. Guru ang sang,

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Who Was The First Kaur? (07/17/2003)
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