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Summary of Question:Suicide Is Wrong
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/20/2002 1:40 PM MDT


I was wondering if the Guru Granth Sahib refers to suicide anywhere. I know its wrong to kill people, but does that include yourself? Also, why? If you feel that it is your time to die, shouldn't you be able to do something about it? What if you've wanted to die for a long time, not because you're depressed or anything, but just because that is the way you want it to be.


Sat Siri Akaal. The word 'suicide' is not specifically mentioned in Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Yes, it is wrong to take your own life for egotistical purposes. Your Soul has a purpose and destiny in coming into form through you. You commit a grievous act against your SOul and Guru by taking your own life because you 'think it's time.' Guru has us here for a reason, a reason that involves living in order to fulfill it (with the exception of death by true sacrifice or martyrdom). I have heard it said that the one who takes his or her own life because they are tired of it will have to start over. I have heard this 'start over' to mean at the very beginning and, variably, to start over the life you cut short by suicide. So, if one thinks being here now is hard, imagine repeating it with the added burden of starting ALL the lessons over.

Please consider counseling to address your feelings about life and going through it.

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