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Summary of Question:Hindu Worship?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 11/25/2005 5:31 PM MST

Vi Guru Ji Khalsa Vi Guru Ji Ki Fateh;

Dear brother, I am someone who has alot of faith in sikhism and respect all other Gods too. I believe all these religions that exist there is a reason to why God made it like this.

I do look up to Sherawali ma as she is an evil destroyer and with her being a woman I really look up to her. One day I was speaking to God and upset and asked him why a particular person hurt me so much. Then the next morning I saw her in my dream which I wouldn't class as a dream; as I could see my room in the dark but I think my soul connected to her.... but saw two big eyes and her six arms and her looking at me and blessing me and then the next scene I saw was her foot over this person who hurt me and had her sword on him; I think she was cutting my ties with him. I believe still beleive and practice your own faith but godess people who chant GOD's name should be worshipped or respected. Some peoples attitude is like your not Hindu so why you worshipping her for? We need to remember even Sikhism sayz that you cannot obtain God if you outcast others just becasue they don't fit into your category. Then I asked her that I want to do her darshans then a couple of weeks later I could see her somewhere like in the skies but tried to look at her face but couldn't see it and then this little girl dressed in red come out of nowwhere and started to water the plants. She started to say in English that if you would like to do Mathas darshan you will have to give up drink and alchol. I am not a constant drink but do eat meat. Some lady said I am karma vali that I got this dream.

Ok so before i go onto my question I wanted to tell you that I worked with my mamager who was Hindu (Marathi) and she knew of this too. For my christmas present she got me a statue of Lakshmi maa. I felt honoured as if Matha wanted me to bring her statue to her house. I couldn't say no to it but this doesn't mean to say that i do't believe in Sikhism or don't respect the Granth Sahib as I do. I pray and when I can do an arti on a few occasions. I feel bad as at the same time I don't want to be sinning but one part is telling me that if u believe in God and ur worshiping God's in the form of Matha then its no problem...My heart is always telling me that as long as you are remembering him then its no problem as GOd is ur mother and father...

Please advice if its wrong for me to keep this statue in the house when I am a sikh I feel bad as I don't to commit a sin by doing that. Please in the name of Vi Guru the true Lord let me know what i'm doing is wrong or right.

THank you respected brother in taking time in reading this mail.

Miss Kaur

Sat nam. Keeping a statue of Lakshmi does not mean you are hindu or worship the hindu goddess. And a dream about a hindu goddess also does not make you Hindu.
INTENT, consciousness is all. Be clear in yourself as to why you are keeping it, not who cares if you keep it. There is a difference. I do not see the problem, as long as it's not in babaji's room. If keeping it out makes you feel guilty or if people visiting hassle you about it, then put it in a closet or pass it on to someone appropriate.

Sikhi is not only defined by the form of a Sikh. Where your head and heart are at is also very important. Only you know your relationship to Guru. Is your consciousness given to guru? Do you bow before Guru and Guru alone, and when you do, do you do so out of love and reverence or habit? Only you can answer these questions and make the choice for yourself.
Guru ang sang,

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