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Summary of Question:Ego And Desire For Admiration Of Self By Others
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Tuesday, 9/24/2002 4:42 AM MDT


I feel that I have this bad habit of always thinking and demanding that I should be praised by others.I know it is bad and such desires for self love take you away from WAHEGURU.I'm always so worried about my impression on
others ,that when I feel I gave a bad image ofmyself I get tensed.WAHEGURU JI is helping me on this .I need your help so that you can tell me of BANIS which will help me get rid of my ego.By God's grace even I'm baptised ,The Lord has really helped me a lot by always suggesting ways out of illusions,and this is also by HIS will.
Sometimes when I talk to others I check whether it had anything to do that makes other think nicely of me.This habit really haunts me ,it keeps me away from our LORD.Please say something that really eradicates this weakness from my mind.
I'm studying further so that I can join services inIndia.And I feel that I'm really not studying with that zeal as I should be doing.And It really needs lot of hard work.
What does services mean in WAHEGURU ji's kingdom?
Joining this services needs the integrity of one's character,as it is very risky and hard job.There is lot of corruption in it.
I'm afraid that even if I pass this exam by HIS grace and do not maintain the integrity then I 'll no more be with HIM.IT will be like test every moment.
And not being with HIM will be like dying while you are alive.
PLease tell me those BANIS of LORD which make me love HIM more and live my life just in HIS will.
I'm also lazy and so I'm not able to follow the rehit maryada sometimes.Please give your valuable time so that I overcome my weaknesses.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Obviously you are insecure, and that is why you crave attention and need approval. It is not so unusual, especially with young people. We are insecure when we forget that God lives and breathes in us. I suggest that you remind yourself as often as possible that each inhalation is confirmation of God's love for you. God extends your life with each inhalation you receive. If we were perfect, we would probably not be here on Earth, so stop being so hard on yourself, and simply focus on remembering God's Name. Whenever you find yourself thinking and feeling insecure, take a deep breath (through the nose only) and inhale thinking SAT and exhale thinking NAM. Do this for several minutes, and it will help you remember that Truth IS your Identity. You can't really eliminate the ego, but what you can do is make it a positive ego, that is used to serve God and Guru. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and focus on the things in your life that you can feel grateful for, and even those that you don't like, thank God for them anyway! No one can change your attitude except you, and if you decide to do it, you can! The bani that might be most useful for you to recite every day (although I would assume you already are doing all your banis?) is Jaap Sahib. Let the majesty and power of Guru Gobind Singh fill your being through His words. Blessings, SP

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