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Summary of Question:Re: Exam Failure
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 7/16/2005 10:59 AM MDT

thanks sooo much for ur insight on this issue, i appreciate all of ur kind words...but i was wondering about another part of the ? i asked, if in ur heart u know that say eating stuff w/ eggs is wrong and u ate it anyways cause mom said dont be that picky isn't that wrong..cause isn't it true that when u feel guilt and when ur heart is trying to stop something that ur about to do..its not u thats telling urself but actually God..i learned this from a very religious person that when u feel like u are doing something wrong...dont do it cause God warned u by giving u this strange feeling of guilt. am i i could attribute my failure to that as well ..right??? wow its amazing how much one learns from failures than from successes! i would rather face thousands of failures to get connected to God than to be temperarly happy with success! a strange way to reach success is by loveing ur failures and learning from i right? i feel fortunant that i failed since i got to know God better and i appreaciate ur help in telling me what god is trying to tell me! i really really really appreciate all the time u guys spend on doing such a FABULOUS job!!!! i am thinking about suggesting this kind of forum at my camp too...u think it will work if i tried to get more kids involved in facing their problems in life at our camp by having kids write their problems (no name)and put it in a box and have a reliogion teacher talk about those particular concerns/comments ..u think it will work???

again thanks soooooo much!!!!!


I think your idea about kids puting their problems in a box and then having them discussed is a good one. One suggestion, instead of just having the adult discuss it...have the youth discuss it. What are their ideas, suggestions? There is a lot of wisdom in young people too.

Instead of thinking that your guilt is telling you to do or not do something...try to reframe it that your intuition is telling you. Guilt is a poison... intuition is a gift. If your intuition is telling you not to eat eggs, listen. We get into a lot of trouble when we don't listen to our intuition.

Yes, we learn from our challenges from life. We can also learn from our successes. Some times it is success that is the hardest to accept. All is God anyway, the easy and the hard, the joy and the pain. Embrace and be grateful for both. Blessings. GTKK

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