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Summary of Question:Imperfect Amrit Baptism
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Monday, 2/09/2004 8:05 AM MST

How can I stick faithfully to my Amrit when one of the Panj Pyare did not recite all the 40 verses of Anand Sahib during my Amrit Baptism ceremony as he should have done,and actually committed a 'kurahit' himself?(He read the smaller,Bhog version of 5 verses only).I did not argue with him but was very distressed and subsequently failed to be true to my Amrit.Do I have to go again for Amrit?

Sat Siri Akaal. Though the panj did not fully recite the Amrit, I don't believe that made the ceremony ineffective. What is far more important is that you believe in yourself and take your Amrit vows seriously. Blaming the panj for YOUR lack of discipline is just you refusing to take responsibility for your life and your vows. It seems to me the best course for you, personally, is to take Amrit again. Understand that I do not mean to say that the amrit ceremony was defective or that you should take it again because of the Anand Sahib thing. Only that you seem to need it to confirm it in yourself. (Also, let the panj know ahead of time you expect all banis to be fully recited.)
Guru ang sang,

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