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Summary of Question:Re: So Called Sikh Girls
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 6/03/2003 1:35 PM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

This is in reply to the post about 'so called Sikh girls'. Bhaji, with all due respect, I think your posting was a gross generalisation of Sikh girls, and I personally felt great offence that a fellow brother could write such things about his sisters. Yes, granted, there are girls which bring disgrace to Sikhism, but there are black sheep in all walks of life. But equally, I whole heartedly believe that there are just as many girls that do adhere to the Sikh way of life. I am an 18 year old amrit-dharee girl, I have never touched a hair on my body and try and follow the Rehat Maryada as much as I can, although I make many mistakes and am still learning a great deal; I also have many female friends who follow this way of life, i.e. the life that Guru Gobind Singh Ji intended us to live, so could your views be due to the people you associate with. Please do not taint all Sikh girls with the same brush, it's not fair and it's not right. Your experiences may have led you to believe that all Sikh girls are 'bad' but please do not believe that this is what all Sikh girls are like. And just for the record, I'm not some backward girl from a village with rose-tinted glasses or something, I am from the UK and intend to study Medicine in the following academic year, i have grown up in an all white society yet thanks to Guru Ji's grace and a loving family I have never given up my religion and sucumb to peer pressure; I'm not unique or special, many girls have done this and live like this.

P.S. for every Sikh girl that 'messes' about there are just as many Sikh boys that 'mess' about

If you wish to debate the matter: [email protected]

Rab Rakha

Sat Siri Akaal. Well said and thank you for posting. Our brother's experience has perhaps, been only with so called 'bad' girls, but perhaps he is looking in the wrong places!

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